(Contact 02 82 557 6028 or email dutoitpetrus93@gmail.com)
“Buying a bull is a genetic decision and not a financial one.” (Gerhard van Zyl. LBW)
"Visual analysis tells you what an animal appears to be, his pedigree tells you what he should be, his performance and progeny tells you what he actually is."(American Simmental Association)
Outstanding cattle come from outstanding cows. Our reward from the LRF for the John Deere Simmentaler Cow Group for 2023 underscores this statement. Read more about how our herd progressed over the past twenty years.
Econotech Dan S, PJD1743
Senior seedstock sire (sold)

Dan, a son of the exceptional bul, Simberg Zolerz P, cemented Zolerz's superior reproduction traits in our herd. One of his sons, Brand PJD2059 P, is used as a senior sire in the stud. Two of his 2021 sons are for sale, namely Harold PJD219 P and Van Straaten PJD2112 P.
Dan, PJD1743 S, demonstrated his curve bending ability in three different ways. Firstly, Dan surpassed the average SA Simmentaler Herd regarding calving ease (higher) and birth weight (lower). In a similar fashion Dan improved fertility as shown by his EBV’s for Scrotal Size (SS) and Days to Calving (DC) (higher), but with solid growth (400 days in top 20% of the SA 2022 crop). Thirdly, Dan was tops regarding muscling and condition (measured by its eye muscle area (EMA) and rib and rump fat). The latter attributes helped him to maintain his condition under extensive grazing conditions.
The accompanying graph showed the ability of Dan to bend growth and fertility curves. Furthermore, Dan’s pedigree included illustrious sires: two German sires (Eisenherz and Metro) as well as prominent SA sires (Blinkbou Herz, Kalhei and Profeet). The progeny of these sires had been tested across many herds and numerous calves. We have the privilege to see the benefits of these sires in our herd.
Econotech Simmentaler Bulls: Class of 2021
The Class of 2021 excel in those breeding traits which underpin our herd’s main attributes, namely Calving Ease, Fertility, Body Condition and Growth (see attached table) (See graphs for Harold and Van Straaten).
Econotech Harold PJD219 P
Harold is one of the rare examples of the breed with exceptional high breeding values for Calving Ease (top 5%), a small Birth Weight (top 5%) as well as excellent growth with his 400 days at the top 25%. He is also an excellent example of reproduction genetics with his ebv's for Days to Calving (DC) as well as Scrotum Size (SS)in the top 5%. Furthermore, Harold possesses top condition traits such as ebv's for Rib and Rump Fat in the top 1% and 5%. This underlies his ability to maintain his condition in a severe grazing environment.
In summary, his economic selection indexes show that Harold is by far one of the top bulls at offer. He is in the top 1% of the 2022 SA crop regarding the cross breed index (SPI) and in the top 5% for the breeders' index (SBI).
Econotech Van Straaten PJD2112 P
Van Straaten is a blend of modern genetics (Zolerz and Dan) and a major sire from a former period, Jadhal Ibbie (sired 2437 calves in his career). Van Straaten is an outstanding success regarding his genetic attributes and built. His reproduction traits, SS and DC, are both in the top 5% of the SA crop. Condition traits, Rib and Rump Fat, are also in the top 5%. The growth indicator, ebv for 400 days, is in the top 20%. Van Straaten’s graph is that of a typical curve bender, the signature of the Econotech Simmentaler Herd.

Van Straaten (left) and Arlo PJD2118 (right)

KALANT P: high REPRODUCTION and high GROWTH plus FEED EFFICIENCY (senior sire, not for sale)

KALANT P: high REPRODUCTION and high GROWTH plus FEED EFFICIENCY (senior sire, not for sale)
Econotech Kobus PJD2110 P
Kobus is again, as with the case of Harold,one of the rare examples of the breed with exceptional high breeding values for Calving Ease (top 5%), a small Birth Weight (top 15%) as well as excellent growth with his 400 days at the top 10%. He is also a leader in reproduction traits with ebv’s for SS and DC in the top 5% of the SA 2022 crop.
He has also strong body condition traits which makes him very adaptable to a range of climatic conditions.
His economic selection indexes are in the top 5% (SBI and 1% (SPI) respectively. Kobus should inherit the feed-efficiency genes of his sire, Kalant (NFI-P = -0.08, top 15%).
His dam, PJD1633, has produced three stud bulls to date. Her dam, on the other hand, was one of our most fertile cows ever with 11 calves and an ICP of 364 days.
Having two polled parents, Kobus has a 25% chance of being double polled (homozygous polled). Unistel will be asked to verify this in the new year. A homozygous polled bull would produce only polled offspring.

ECONOTECH ARLO PJD2118 PP (homozygous polled)
Arlo has, as is the case with all the other sons of Kalant, strong body condition traits which makes him very adaptable to a range of climatic conditions.
His economic selection indexes are in the top 5% for SBI as well as for SPI. Arlo should inherit the feed-efficiency genes of his sire, Kalant (NFI-P = -0.08, top 15%) and those of the sires Kalhei (NFI-P = -0.12, top 5%) and Jimsu (NFI-P = -0.25, top 1%). Arlo is a genuine curve bender regarding calving ease (CED in top 5%) and growth (400 days in top 25%, whereas his MCW is only in the top 45%).
His dam, PJD1447 P, has produced two excellent dams to date. Her dam (PJD103), on the other hand, was one of our most fertile cows ever with 10 calves and an ICP of 378 days. She also produced three impressive stud bulls.
Arlo is homozygous polled as tested by the Unistel Laboratory. As a homozygous polled bull he will produce only polled offspring in Taurus related cattle. This is a big PLUS for an extensive cattle operation.

Econotech Lewkowitz PJD2114 P
Lewkowitz is heterozygous polled as tested by the Unistel Laboratories.
His fertility traits such as Days to Calving and Scrotum Size are respectively in the top 15% and 10% of the SA crop. His condition traits regarding Rib and Rump Fat (in the top 5%) as well as Intra Muscular Fat (top 10%) show in his ability to maintain his condition in almost any type of grazing. These traits will strengthen his ability to breed fertile offspring.

Kolbe P was a bull par excellence. He integrated the feed efficiency of his sire, Kalant, and the fertility and body condition of his dam, PJD1633 P. His dam has Zolerz as sire (with a DC = -9.3) and a grand father, Blinkbou Herz (with a CD = -5.6). Kolbe's own DC equals -4.2. His four sons, listed below, have similar high fertility traits.
PJD2217 P has all the attributes for improving the fertility of a herd. His mother, PJD178, is very fertile with an ICP of 360 days over seven calves. PJD2217 himself boasts with a Scrotum Size (SS) of 1.4 (in the top 1% of the SA crop) and a DC in the top 10%. His growth is modest with a medium frame. He has a 25% chance of being homozygous polled as both his parents are polled.
His dam, PJD1326, is a three star cow with a formidable set of sires, such as Kalhei (DC = -7.4 and NFI-P = -0.12) and Profeet. PJD2219 has a high fertility score of SS (=2.4)and DC(= -4.1) (in the top 1% and 5% respectively of the SA crop). He boasts also with high growth traits with his 400 days in the top 15%.
PJD2223 P was sired by Kolbe P x PJD1531 P. He has a 25% chance of being homozygous polled as both his parents are polled.
His mother, PJD1531 P, was sired by Ibbie, a renowned AI bull with 2427 calves over 181 herds. PJD2223 P has excellent traits for Reproduction and Growth.
PJD2230 is a heterozygous polled bull as tested by the Unistel Laboratories.
PJD2230 P is a real curve bender regarding Calving Ease, Reproduction and Growth. His fertility traits of SS and Days to Calving as well as those of his mother, PJD1638, are noteworthy - each one is in the top 1% of the SA crop for 2022. In summary, PJD2230 P, represents a real genetic explosion of breeding traits with his economic selection indexes in the top 1% of the SA crop.
Kalant is known for his feed efficiency with a NFI-P of -0.08 (in the top 15% of the SA 2022 crop). This is coupled with positive condition traits (Rib and Rump Fat ebv's in the top 15%) as well as a positive fertility trait, SS, in the top 10%. Having mated to cows with excellent values themselves, Kalant's 2022 bulls are ranked with the best.
PJD2212 has another very fertile cow as mother, namely PJD179. She has six calves with an ICP of 350 days and a SS in the top 10%. PJD2212 follows in her footsteps; also with a SS in the top 10%. He has also top body condition traits, which stands in good stead during varying grazing conditions.
PJD2232 PP is homozygous polled as tested by the Unistel Laboratory. As a homozygous polled bull he will only polled offspring in Taurus related cattle. This is a big PLUS for an extensive cattle operation.
He has, as is the case with all the other sons of Kalant, and addition to his dam's influence, strong body condition traits which makes him very adaptable to a range of climatic conditions.
This bull, PJD2240 P, shows strong growth over 200 and 400 days, but with a lower MCW, namely from the top 10% at 200 days but only the top 40% at MCW. He should be especially suited for a range of climatic conditions having a medium frame.
Julius Ceasar is renowned for his strong growth, but with a medium frame (MCW). He boasts also with exceptional high Calving Ease ebv's. In summary he has economic selection indexes ranging from the top 5% (SBI) to the top 1% (SPI).
PJD2222 P inherits the exceptional high calving ease (CED = 9.5) of both his sire (CED = 10.3) and his dam (CED = 6.4). Julius Ceasar gave him also a low birth weight combined with a high growth rate (birth weight = 0.1 and 200 days =23 (in top 10%)). Due to Julius he has also a slightly above average MCW (in the top 25%) in comparison to his dam's MCW of 52 (in the top 10%).
Julius Ceasar is renowned for his strong growth, but with a medium frame (MCW). He boasts also with exceptional high Calving Ease ebv's. In summary he has economic selection indexes ranging from the top 5% (SBI) to the top 1% (SPI).
PJD2222 P inherits the exceptional high calving ease (CED = 9.5) of both his sire (CED = 10.3) and his dam (CED = 6.4). Julius Ceasar gave him also a low birth weight combined with a high growth rate (birth weight = 0.1 and 200 days =23 (in top 10%)). Due to Julius he has also a slightly above average MCW (in the top 25%) in comparison to his dam's MCW of 52 (in the top 10%).
Econotech Simmentaler Bulls: Class of 2022
The Class of 2022 excel in those breeding traits which underpin our herd’s main attributes, namely Calving Ease, Fertility, Body Condition and Growth (see attached table).